is common sight for students and perhaps, lecturers of Mathematics to commit
grammatical blunders and cover up their flaws with excuse that ‘afterall, I am
a mathematician’. The crux of the matter is that; is studying mathematics or
more definitely, being a mathematician an excuse for speaking bad grammar?
Before you arrive at a conclusion in a rush, permit me to lead you through a
series of arguments. I invite you, therefore, to reason along with me.
in simple definition, is the study of numbers, shapes, relations, etc. and
their relationship with the natural world. I believe the definition of the
subject itself cannot be understood if the discoverers and founders of
mathematics had penned it down in wrong english, or have had no basically sound
background in the use of english. In this part of the world(speaking of the anglophone
world) where mathematics is taught in the English language, it should be noted
that the use of english is a criterion for admission into Universities or
colleges with at least a pass. It can therefore be concluded that a
mathematician had sufficient english classes and subsequently passed the
subject at an average level in order to proceed in his line of career.
the subject is taught in the English language (speaking still of the Anglophone
world) and hence, for the purpose of proper and effective communication, it is
expected that a student (ever before he goes into this line of career) must
have an acceptable level of proficiency in the language. It, therefore, becomes
appalling for a student, at the undergraduate level of tertiary education to speak
unacceptably, how much less a lecturer! Mathematicians still write abstracts,
theses, papers, etc. and in the presentations of these, improper use of verbs,
tenses, etc. are not overlooked just because they are being presented by ‘mathematicians’.
succinctly recall a lecture on real analysis by an associate professor of mine
in my two hundred level days. He said,” It is unacceptable for a mathematician
to speak poorly or use wrong tenses simply because he is a mathematician”. The
fact remains that the argument of an allowance of wrong usage of the English language
is completely unfounded and baseless. A student, an undergraduate, a lecturer
in any institution of learning(where English language is the lingua franca)
should possess a command of the language and be able to express himself in the
same. It is a challenge to upcoming undergraduates of mathematics to debunk the
idea of being expected to commit grammatical errors at will and get away with
society needs a breed of fine and refined academicians who can command respect
and be held in high esteem in the field of mathematics while possessing a solid
foundation in the use of English as a means of inter-personal communication or
the teaching of the subject itself.
is a clarion call to all my mathematician colleagues to go back and pick their ‘brighter
English’, “queen’s English” etc. and sharpen their skills and proficiency in
the language, otherwise, a first class degree holder in mathematics will be
demeaned as soon as he opens his mouth to speak grammatical jargons. Pass the
torch; Mathematicians are inexcusable for wrong use of English language. We
must speak the language well in and out of the Mathematical domain.
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